Friday, September 4, 2015

Dear Baby Girl

We have officially less than one month until you are due to arrive. Your poppa and I are SO excited. We got your room all ready and each morning before I head downstairs to go to work I stop in your room and just look around, imagining what it's going to look like once you arrive.
Right now the crib is brand new, all your clothes (except the ones from your cousin Leila [which is most of them]) have never been worn. The changing table has never been pooped on. Everything is just waiting for you to come.
Let me tell you a little about our time together. You are a strong little nugget. You kick and turn and roll over so much that I believe you may have bruised my innerds. You already have a schedule. Throughout the day you are most active right before I get out of bed in the morning, in the early afternoon (probably because I had just eaten), when I'm driving home from work and when I lay down to go to bed. When I'm going to bed is when you really start your acrobatics.
Every night, daddy and I say prayers together. I am laying in bed and he'll kneel down next to me so his face is right by my belly. When he starts to pray you go nuts. I think that is why you get so active at night, you're trying to show off for Daddy. I love that you recognize his voice. He loves you so much. You also move a lot when I'm singing, which just melts my heart. It does make it a little difficult to hold notes or get a good breath, but I don't care. It's my favorite. I can't wait to rock with you and sing to you.
Your Granny and Grandpa Sanders are coming to Arizona this month so they can be here when you arrive. Your Aunt Jennie will be coming right after your due date. I can't believe we are already so close. Not knowing when you'll be showing up is driving me a little batty. It could be any day now or you could come next month. Every little thing that happens in my body gives me a twinge of hope that it means you are coming.
You have already changed our lives so much. What did we talk about before we knew about you?

I know there will soon be a day when I'll look back on this time and think "it was over in the blink of an eye" I'll think it all went by so fast. Right now all I can do is imagine, and I imagine all the time.

Your Grandpa Sanders sent me this poem last week and I tear up whenever I read it:

Mommy can you feel me? I'm wiggling for you. I hear you say you love me. Mom, I love you too.
Very soon you'll meet me, and kiss my little face. I will feel your warm skin, and admire you for your grace.
Mommy, are you ready? My life is just about to start. I will hold your little finger, but you will hold my heart.

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