Monday, August 24, 2015


Love is an incredible phenomenon.
When I was born, I was instantly being shown what it is to love. My parents and my siblings were showing me every day. I was bonded to them and I was loving them back at full capacity.
As I grew and made friends and started to find my place in my family that love grew, and once again I was loving as much as I possibly could, or knew how to. I was also being loved as much as I possibly could at the time.
As you grow older that love grows with you. It's amazing that you can do something to the absolute max and somehow it's always able to grow.
When I got married my ability to love and be loved grew. It often surprised me to think of how much I loved this new person in my life, and in such a different way than I had ever loved before. I loved my family and friends as much as I could but now I loved someone more and in a different way.
When we found out we were having a baby, miraculously, that love grew even more. There was this little thing in me that I didn't know, could barely imagine, but I loved it. I loved it more than I had ever loved anything before.
When I started to feel her move, you guessed it, love. Deep love. We found out it was a girl and she started to become someone to us and again...
We are less than 6 weeks away from our due date and I am so overwhelmed by this little human inside me. I know the love I feel for her now will pale in comparison to how I feel in a few weeks and the following years.

The humbling thing is, I was taught how to love first by my parents. I was taught VERY well. I have had people in my life that have loved me for my entire life. I am very aware of how lucky I am to have been surrounded by the people that I have been surrounded by.
It is now my turn to teach someone how to love. To show someone what it means to love. Matt and I will be her very first example of this amazing gift. Our ability to love her will be how she learns to love others.

"The greatest gift you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return"

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