Wednesday, February 10, 2016

4 Month Update

I cannot believe our little Sawyer Mae is 4 months old (as of Feb 8). Time is just flying by.

This last month we had a lot of changes. I started working part time, which has been so nice. When Matt and I made that decision my mind raced at all that I would be able to get done at home. I made a chore chart for each day, I had a menu for each day, I had a workout...

Turns out, I have time to accomplish one of those things each day OR I can shower and get ready. I usually do pretty well with keeping the house tidy, and keeping the laundry done, but as far as deep cleaning goes, I'm not able to get to as much as I'd like.

I also have done pretty well at making our dinners a few nights a week. Matt has been working late this week so I haven't been doing anything special for dinner.

Even though I don't have as much time as I thought I would, I am LOVING spending this time with my baby girl. Every time I go to pick her up from the sitter, she gets a big smile on her face. I love that she knows who I am.

It's so fun to watch her learn and grow. It's fun to listen to her experiment with her voice. Lately, when she's crying for attention, it's a lot deeper. She's so funny, she'll learn how to do something with her voice, and then that is how she'll cry for a couple of days.

She started rolling from her back to her tummy on her 3 month mark and now if we put her on her back she won't last longer than 5 minutes. That makes diaper changes SUPER fun. The problem is, once she rolls to her tummy she can't see as much as she did before so she gets frustrated. If she's on her tummy, it's best to have her on our bed or on the couch so she can see what's going on. We have to keep a good eye on her though because she rolls all over the place.

We are still waiting to hear her little giggle. I thought she was right on the cusp of laughing like 2 months ago, but she is just dragging her little feet. She gets so excited that her whole body will tense up and her smile gets so big she can barely contain herself, but she does NOT laugh.

She sleeps like a rock star! She typically goes to bed between 7 and 7:30 and she'll sleep for about 12 hours. She'll take one good 2.5-3 hour nap at some point during the day, and a few 30 minuters throughout the day. If she's tired and we lay her down, she doesn't cry at all, she just finds her little thumb and falls asleep pretty quick. She only sucks her thumb when she's tired and ready to sleep, but I'm sure that will increase over time. I haven't been used to her sleeping through the night, so I'm still not getting very good sleep. I do think that is starting to change though.

Last little note. I have been singing to Sawyer a lot. It's so fun to watch her watch me sing. Her eyes go from my mouth to my eyes, back to my mouth, over and over. She smiles so big and coo's along with me. Sunday night we were at Matt's brother's house to watch the 2nd half of the Super Bowl. We left at about 8:15, which was way past her bedtime and she was MAD. She was just screaming in her car seat, so I climbed back there and started singing to her. She stopped crying almost immediately and just watched me as I sang to her for the rest of the drive, probably at least 10 minutes. I wrote about this in my journal that night. It was definitely in my top 3 life moments.

Yesterday was her 4 month wellness check. She is 14.5 pounds (52nd percentile, up from 32nd) She is 25 inches long (93rd percentile up from 67... this just blows my mind. The doc thinks she probably just had a growth spurt recently. I'm sure that percentage will go back down. Matt and I are not tall people) and her head is in the 87th percentile, which hasn't ever really changed.
Dr Milius said she was just perfect. When I told him she rolled from her back to her tummy at 3 months he looked at her and said, "That is NOT normal. You, little girl, are advanced!" Course she is... she's a genius. He gave us the go ahead to start her on solids. We are so excited to try that. Once Matt isn't working late we'll do it. I think it's something we should do together for the first time.
She also had to get 4 immunizations yesterday. I'm so glad they are so fast with those. She cried, of course, as they pricked her, but it was over so fast and I picked her right up and she calmed down pretty quickly then slept on the way home.
All day yesterday she was so happy. Even when she got tired she just had such a big smile on her face. The only way I knew she was tired is she kept yawning and going for her thumb so I put her to bed.

It's crazy how much she has changed our lives and what a BIG part of our lives she is now. Last night I waited up for Matt and we chit chatted when he got home. This is the second night that Sawyer was asleep when he got home and we ended up spending a good chunk of time looking at pictures and videos of her... that cracked me up.

We sure love our little one.

She always holds our fingers when she's eating her bottle
 Thumb sucker
 Holding her own bottle, like a boss.
 Sunday Best
This has got to be one of my favorite pictures of us.
 That smile just cracks me up
 She had a few days where she wouldn't nap longer than 30 minutes, so she was tired all the time. She fell asleep on us a lot in those days, and we kind of loved it
 Nother Sunday best shot.
 Getting better at sitting up.
Holding her own bottle again, and looking like she just got caught.
 4 months old
 about to get her shots
if she's not sucking her thumb, shes' sucking her whole hand.

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