Tuesday, April 7, 2015

End of the First Trimester and Beginning of Irrational (maybe rational) fears

Saturday marked the start of my second trimester.
As far as pregnancy goes I think I've had it pretty easy. That being said, I have had three colds in the two months I've known I was pregnant and that has gotten really old.
I am starting to show a little bit. Not so much that people would notice, but I can see a little bump.
I am so excited for this new trimester. This is where I feel like all the stuff starts. I'll feel the baby move, I'll really start to show, we'll find out what we're having... so many things that are right around the corner.
We move in about a week and a half and I'm so excited to set up a nursery and start getting our house ready for a baby.
In the beginning I was SURE we were having a girl, then after the last ultrasound I was even more sure we were having a boy, and now I just have no idea. I'm so excited to find out and to be able to start planning. I'm hoping my doctor will let us come in to find out the gender the Friday before our vacation which will be May 1st. I will be at 18 weeks at that point. That is only about three weeks away. I can't believe how quickly this is all happening.
Cravings: I have had a solid craving for salty things. I can't get enough chips and salsa, I love pickles and pepperoncinis, and lately I have had a large craving for thick cut french fries and fry sauce.
I typically have a sweet tooth, but not lately. I have Easter treats at my desk that have been there for about 2 weeks and I barely touch them. Normally, they'd last less than a week. Although I will say, I do crave popsicles or Bahama Bucks (shaved ice).

As for the fears.
I watch a couple of vlogs and in one of them the family was doing an Easter Egg hunt. The mom went with the three year old little boy. It was a city-wide thing and it was at a baseball field. She showed him the field and said, "See alllll those eggs out there? You want to run run run and grab as many as you can with all the other kids" The countdown happened and he went running. He just ran, and ran past about 12 eggs. His mom is laughing so hard reminding him to pick them up. He got knocked down a couple of times, and at the end there are no eggs to be seen but he is just running his little heart out, all over the place. He ended up with 3 eggs and was SO disappointed. My heart broke. "I only got 3.." the look on his face... I was in shambles.
Last night Matt and I watched Finding Neverland, and there is a scene in the movie where this adorable little boy is so sad and crying and I could NOT handle it.
My sister posted a picture of my nephew Nixon who is 7, they went to Lagoon and he was STILL too short to ride the big kid rides. In the picture Brock (his dad) is bending down talking to him, and the look on Nixon's face was too much for me. I couldn't even look at it.
These are not my children, but I put myself in the shoes of the parents and it makes me break. I won't be able to handle my kids getting hurt, being sad, getting their feelings hurt, getting their hearts broken. Just thinking about it makes me ache.
How do you parents out there do it? I'm sincerely asking because that is one part of parenting I don't think I can prepare for. I just want my kid to be happy forever and never hurt.
I know we have no control over this, but how do you handle it as parents.
Jennie? Mom and Dad? Comment!

These are the thoughts of a 14 week pregnant chick.


  1. I'm still super duper new at this, but here are the two things I tell myself in those moments where my little girl is hurting:

    1. This stuff also happened to me and it's what helped me become who I am, and who I am is pretty great.

    2. My child is counting on me to teach her HOW to overcome sorrow, small or great. In that moment, she needs me to show her life goes on and everything will be okay. So I smile a reassuring smile and give lots of hugs, and redirect that girl's attention to something else as quick as I can. Then after she goes down for bed, I tell the story to my husband and we cry about it together.

    It's not easy. But we've all been there, and we all survived. You're gonna be so much better at this than you think, my dear. Rely on the Spirit heavily, and you'll be amazed at what comes out of your mouth. :-)

  2. Sometimes you just hold them and cry. And sometimes they then look at you and say, "Are you ok, mama?" And then they're consoling you, and and you laugh/cry because they're so much stronger than you. :)
