Thursday, April 30, 2015

April in a Nutshell.

This month has been a doozy. We moved, I had concerts, my parents came in town and it was a VERY busy work month. This makes for a very tired mama-to-be.

I was going to go into the details of the month but basically what it comes down to is:

 I LOVE my in-laws. We had so many people show up to help us move. The night before moving day Matt's oldest brother came over and helped us move the bedroom set to his parent's house. On moving day, we had people showing up as early as 7:30 to help us. We had 13 people show up and were able to get everything moved by 10:00 AM. We are so grateful to have had that help it made a stressful day so much easier.

I LOVE my husband! Matt has been working tirelessly to get everything done, whether it was packing, moving, organizing, cleaning our old apartment (which this week alone he's spent about 7 hours deep cleaning) I have felt so terrible that I can't be as much help as I would like, or as I should, but he just tells me to sit, or lay, to not over-do it.

I LOVE my family. My parents came in town for my choir concert. They drove down to bring me all the stuff I had left at their house. I loved having them in town. I loved playing games and telling stories and going out to eat. I love that they make the trip down here to hear me sing and how much joy they get out of that.

In other news. We have set the appointment to find out the gender of the wee babe. May 11th we will go to the doctor. Matt's family does dinner on the third Sunday of the month and we realized that the third Sunday in May is our anniversary, it's also the Sunday after we'd find out, so we decided to not find out at the appointment, but to get it in an envelope and open it with his family. I can't believe in 3 weeks we'll know what we're having.

I think we are having a boy. All of Matt's brothers have had boys first. All of my symptoms indicate boy, AND icing on the cake, last week I had a dream that we were having a boy. If we have a girl I will be very surprised, but no matter what we will be so excited to just finally KNOW.

Now the most exciting part. Last night we were laying in bed. I always fall asleep with my hands on my belly. I'm not showing much but when I lay down is when I feel pregnant, my stomach doesn't go in like it normally would and I can feel a little bump. I also know that I'm getting closer to being able to feel the baby move so when we first lay down to fall asleep I pay very close attention to what I'm feeling to see if anything stands out. There was one time last week I felt like I may have felt the baby move but it was so slight and I was half asleep. Last night I was laying there and Matt reached over and put his hand on my belly. I put my hands on top of his and just told him, "even if I do feel something, you probably won't feel it. It will just be internal" and we just laid there and started to fall asleep. Just a couple of minutes later there was a very noticeable kick or something. I gasped and Matt said, "Was that???" as I said, "did you feel that?" I LOVE that we felt the first movement together. I love that last night he just happened to decide to put his hand on my belly. We will always have that moment and I love that we share it.

April has been so busy, but we love our new place. I'm 4 weeks further along, and everything is starting to happen. I can't wait until I start showing and all this weight gain has more of  a shape. I can't wait for all that will happen in this next month. We have our babymoon, my first Mother's Day, our first Anniversary and finding out the gender of our baby.

Life is pretty much perfect.

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