Monday, October 5, 2015

9 Months Later

Tonight is the last night I have hope of getting any sleep before this little one arrives. And from AAAAAALLLLLLLLL the advice I've been given, probably the last night I can hope to get sleep for the near future.
It's one thing to know she could come any time. If she came on her own I would just go into labor. I would go from normal life to counting contractions and having the "this is it" thoughts and then go to the hospital. I imagine the adrenaline would be pumping and you would just be experiencing things as they happen. It's quite another thing to have it scheduled. To have time to think about it and imagine it and know that in 28 hours (assuming she doesn't actually come on her own before then) I will be heading to the hospital to willingly go through the most pain I will have ever experienced in my life, and for HOURS!!!
For the last 8 months and 2 days, since I found out I was pregnant, I have been thinking about what this will be like, but it was always something that was going to happen... later.
I know now how my body handles pregnancy. I know what our first child will be, and what her name is. I know what heartburn feels like and am so thrilled to know that it stops immediately. I know that just because I was once 100 pounds heavier it doesn't mean I'll gain the weight back. I know what it feels like to have a life move inside of me. I know what people mean when they say that "everyone has an opinion about your pregnancy" I know that one way more than I'd like. I know what it feels like to go past your due date and wonder "Is she ever going to come?"
I know all the pregnancy things, and now my time of being pregnant is over.
I don't know what my "delivery story" will be. I don't know how I'm going to handle not having an epidural. I don't know how long of a labor it will be. I don't know how much she'll weigh, or how long she is. I don't know what it will be like to see Matt hold her for the first time. The next part is a mystery that will be solved in the next 48 hours.
At some point in the next two days I will know my story, I will hold my daughter for the first time, I will watch my husband transform into a daddy.
In two days Sawyer Mae Halls will be here.  Matt and I created a life and that life will be out in the world in two days.
Now I'm going to try to sleep, because it ain't happening tomorrow.

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