Tuesday, March 8, 2016

5 Months Old

Another month has come and gone. They are going so fast these days. I can't believe Sawyer is almost half a year old!

This month she has MASTERED rolling over. She only really struggles when she's up against a wall. She's not an ambi-roller and if she tries to roll towards the wall or the edge of the couch she gets rather frustrated. It's pretty dang cute to watch her try though.

She has also found her feet and apparently they are rather tasty. As soon as she is laid on her back her feet are up in the air and in her mouth. Makes diaper changes really fun (if she's not eating her feet, she's trying to roll over. Babies are hard to wrestle)

We also started her on solid foods. I don't know if you can call them solid, they look pretty mushy to me. So far she's had, bananas, mango puree, and some other fruit combinations. She didn't seem to like them too much. Probably a combination of learning how to eat and liking what she's eating. I held off on the mixed veggies and stuff, because that just sounds so gross to me, but, as it turns out, she LOVES them. The mixed veggies are the first ones that she has actually finished.
Feeding her is also a battle. She REALLY wants to help me with the spoon. It's so fun to watch her try new things.

She has a pretty good sleep schedule. We're still working on getting her naps back (4 month sleep regression is real my friends) but thankfully her night sleeping has been awesome. She typically goes to bed by 7 and wakes up between 6 and 7. I never know when she's going to nap or how long. They'll either be 25 minutes or 3 hours.  I was talking to my sister this month and telling her, "It's amazing how much you can get done when your baby could wake up any minute."
 I have to stay in her room with her as she falls asleep because if she's not tired yet she'll play in her crib and roll to her back and then she won't be able to fall asleep. (She doesn't know that if she just rolled back over she'd be fine) So I sit next to her crib, out of site, and wait. Once she starts laying her head down I know I can leave, but if she's propped up, I wait. My favorite thing is going into her room after a nap, or in the morning. She'll be just cooing away and I walk in, she's normally on her back in the corner of the crib, holding her feet or playing with one of her stuffed animals. She sees me and she gets so excited. AH I love that I'm her mom.

In the last couple of weeks she has started pushing herself up on her hands and knees and she'll do the rocking thingy. I am quite familiar with this motion after watching my nieces and nephews. Crawling is right around the corner.

She is a hand sucker too. If she's really tired and about to fall asleep she'll suck her thumb, if she's awake it's THE WHOLE HAND. I'm not kidding, it's pretty amazing.

She is a pretty happy baby. It's pretty easy to get her to smile. I just watch her all day in amazement.

Every month I seem to love her more. I look back on the other months and KNOW I loved her then, but did I love her THIS MUCH??

When mom sings to her
Baths (LOVES)
Everything in her mouth
Being on Mom and Dad's bed, she loves to watch me get ready or fold laundry and ESPECIALLY loves watching me brush my teeth, it's so fascinating to her. Honestly if she's fussy, I can put her on our bed and she's usually entertained for a while.
Being outside (but she does NOT like the sun in her face, so it's hard to take her out very often. Over-cast days are the best.

When I make a bottle in front of her (she gets hangry like no one's business) if she sees a bottle she needs to eat RIGHT THEN. Yesterday I fed her and when it was gone she cried and cried, then she calmed down, then she saw the empty bottle and started crying again. I couldn't help but laugh. It just takes her a minute or two to realize that she's not hungry anymore.
Being put down to bed. She usually falls asleep pretty fast, but when I put her in her crib she gets real upset for a minute.
She's starting to get a little stranger danger.
Crowded, chaotic restaurants (learned that the hard way)

 This was the beginning of the month. She'll go up on her hands now too
 Feeding herself like a boss. (She doesn't do this much, just holds my hands mainly)

 Typical stance
 I mean... come on with the cuteness.
 This hurts me just to look at her, but mmmmm feets
 Seriously, she tries to eat everything
 Our little cheerleader. I will be out of my element if that comes true.

My 5 month old baby!

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