Monday, April 13, 2015

Our First Home

This week Matt and I are moving out of our apartment into our friend's town house.
We started packing up on Saturday and man I feel like such a light weight. I still don't "Feel" pregnant, or as my friend Shakira so eloquently stated "You don't feel like you know what it feels like to feel like you feel pregnant" Exactly, Shakira, exactly. BUT, when packing I got about 6 boxes filled (I had to take about a 15 minute break in the middle) and I was done. I'd get super light headed any time I stood up and just knew that was about all I could take for the day. Baby was tired.
In that hour we were able to get a lot of stuff packed up. I got all the stuff off the walls (which was sad because it took us about 6 months before we actually started hanging things) I got all of the kitchen stuff boxed up that we knew we wouldn't use (anything that won't go in a microwave) Matt got a lot of the stuff in the office cleaned out. Our goal is, when people come to help us move on Saturday (fingers crossed that we get a lot of help) that all they will have to do is move boxes from the apartment to the truck and truck to town home. We want everything done and ready to be loaded.

Anyway, the point of this post is. We are moving out of our first home together. I'm  sure every married person out there remembers their "first home". They probably remember the address, the rent, the stories from that time, but that won't be the case for every house we live in. This is our first, and we are moving out.

Don't get me wrong we are excited to leave this place. Our smoking neighbors. The dirty carpet. The commute. The random yelling fights and calls to the cops (although I admit we open the doors and windows for those things so we can listen in and hear the juice). The stinkin speed bumps every two feet. The long walks to the dumpster just to take the trash out. The volume of the dishwasher. The lack of space.

There are a lot of things we are ready to leave, but still, it's bittersweet. I'll never forget the first day we moved in. We weren't married yet, but Matt was living there for a couple weeks before I moved in. We walked in with our last load of stuff and Matt goes, "Should I carry you over the threshold?" I said, "Do you want to?" he knodded and said, "kinda" and he picked me up and carried me in.

This was the first place I cooked a meal for my husband. It housed our first furniture purchases. This is where I learned that Matt is a lot cleaner than I am, and Matt learned that I don't like when he leaves the shower curtain open after a shower.

This is where we were when we found out we were having a baby. This was where we had our first... argument. This was where we had our first Christmas tree, tiny as it was, and our first Christmas as husband and wife.

As ready as we are to leave, it was a great first home. It's always crazy to box up your life and take it somewhere new, but I just think about all the firsts that are going to happen in our second home and I cannot wait.

Here's to firsts, and new adventures.
Leave a comment and tell me about your first home.

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