Tuesday, April 12, 2016

6 Months!

April 8:
Sawyer Mae is 6 months old. We are as close to her 1st birthday as we are to her actual day of birth.
I can't believe I've had this little babe for 6 months, and at the same time, it's hard to fathom how I lived without her for so long. She's a piece of me I never knew I was missing.

This last month has been chuck full of new milestones. She crawled, she has teeth, she babbles all the time. She went from a high pitched squeal to this kind of grunt to a slightly demonic sounding growl, which would be a little creepy if it wasn't so cute.

When she was just a newbie any time we'd drive anywhere she would just scream. Now, it can be a 5 minute drive (or even less) and she'll zonk out. Even if we aren't driving anywhere if I put her in her carseat she just becomes subdued. I took her with me to get my oil changed and she just sat in her little seat for 40 minutes while we waited, eventually falling asleep.

Bath time you have to be ready for. As soon as she is in the water her legs and arms go crazy. Whoever is bathing her comes out almost as wet as she is. She just loves it and it's so fun to see her having so much fun.

She's on a pretty good routine, she wakes up between 5:45 and 6:45, takes a nap around 9 and again around 1-2 depending on how long her first nap is, then she goes to bed around 7:30. Her naps vary in length, they will be 25 minutes or 2.5 hours. I never know. I have learned, however, that any time she is at her babysitters, she naps for about 2+ hours. She watches her in the mornings and in the afternoons. I don't know what it is about her house, but I'm dying to know her secret. Today I looked in her baby's room and noticed that it is quite a bit darker than Sawyer's so I hung a blanket over her window today hoping that will make a difference.

She can't sit up on her own just yet, but she sits well in her bumbo and I noticed today, when I was taking her 6 month pictures, that she'd lean forward, but that she could pull herself back into a sitting position. She just has to have something behind her.

April 12:
Yesterday I took Sawyer to her doctor's appointment. She is 75th percentile in height, 73rd in weight and still going strong at 82 in head size... She had to get some shots and while we were waiting for the nurse to come in I decided to get her bottle ready. She saw it and wanted it right away, so I decided to give it to her, and right as I started feeding her they came in to give her shots, I pulled the bottle away and she was MAD, but what came out of her mouth was, "Oh... Mama!" I know she doesn't know what she said, it was just the sound she made, but it was so cute.
Then after the nurse gave her her shots (poor thing) I gave her the bottle and she just glared at the nurse as she walked out of the room. I'm glad she was mad at her and not me ;)

Our little one is just so much fun. Some of my favorite things are:
When she first sees us, whether I'm picking her up from the babysitter or getting her out of her crib, she gets a big smile on her face and just starts kicking like crazy.
When I lay her on her back in her crib she'll kick both legs at the same time and bounce.
Whenever she sees that I'm getting a bottle ready for her she gets really impatient and starts crying and I love the sounds she makes when I finally put the bottle in her mouth.
I love hearing her squeal when she gets excited.
I love when the theme music from Baby Einstein comes on and she gets a big smile on her face.
I love when I'm putting her to sleep and she rests her head on my shoulder.
I love that she likes to lay across my legs to watch TV.
I am in love with this little girl.

 practicing sitting up

 Binky smiles are the best
 This is how matt found her after her nap
 she loves her daddy
 this picture cracks me up, this is her, "I'm not really mad, but I'm gonna act like it till I get what I want" face.
Little monkey, using her feet to push the toys closer to her
 Lazy Sunday afternoon. She crawled on Daddy and got stuck
 Easter Sunday

 Snuggling up to hear me play
 Got the bumbo all figured out.

6 month photo shoot.