These are my thoughts...
My typical day right now consists of, being woken up by my beautiful daughter. I feed her, change her, pick out a cute outfit for the day, put her on the bed, lie next to her and we look into each other's eyes while she is smiling and cooing away, flailing her body with all her might. I'll go to work for a portion of the day, then pick up my baby from the sitter's, come home, feed her, put her down for a nap, get some chores done around the house and/or a quick workout. She wakes up, I change her and feed her and we play for a while until Daddy comes home. He takes the baby and I'll get some dinner together (or I'll take the baby and he'll whip something up). We put on a show, eat dinner and play with our baby, trying our best to make her laugh (to no avail). We feed her, change her, get her in some jammies and put her to bed, then we get ready for bed ourselves.
Gone are the days of staying up till all hours of the night hanging out with friends. Gone are the days of late movies and leaving the house past 8:00.
I suppose that does make us a boring married couple, but the thing is, this "boring" life is what I've dreamed of having for my whole life.
When I was a teenager I'd fantasize about who I'd marry, how many kids we'd have, where we'd live. I'd imagine our kids and their names. I'd imagine being a stay at home mom, and all that that would entail. I'd think about my extended family and how much fun we'd all have when we'd get together and that one day my immediate family would become that extended family. I'd imagine my family getting together and all of our kids playing while we chit chatted and caught up. I'd imagine the stories our kids will tell later on of things they did right under our noses that we never knew about.
When I was in my 20's I longed for all of that and wondered if I'd ever actually have it. The dream became a wish and one I didn't think would be granted. I had so much fun in my singleness but I knew all the time that I was living life "in case". I was working as though I'd always have to fend for myself. I played as though this was the best that life would ever get so I better make it a good one. I was living my life to be mentally and physically prepared to always be on my own. The typical day, mentioned above, may as well have been a fairy tale.
Two years ago Monday (January 18th) Matt asked me to marry him, and the dream was starting to become a reality.
It's so cliché, but to say I love him more now than ever is an understatement. In the last two years we have encountered so much and grown together so much. Every time I talk about him to someone else, especially when I'm talking about a disagreement we've had or a misunderstanding (I still wouldn't say we've ever been in a fight) they say, "Wow! What great communication!" They tell me how lucky I am to have a husband who will sit down and talk things through the way he does. They don't need to tell me how lucky I am.
When Matt and I got engaged I knew I loved him. I knew I was lucky to have him want to marry me. I didn't know how seriously he would take his role as a husband. I didn't know how well he would take care of me and how much he would sacrifice to make sure I was happy. I didn't know I was marrying a man who would be so devoted to me. I didn't know I was marrying someone who would make me feel that I was the best thing that has happened to him and how often he would make me feel like he thought HE was the lucky one. I didn't know that he would be the best thing I could have by my side as I had our baby. I didn't know what having a baby could do for our love. I didn't know what kind of a father he would be and how intensely he would love our child. I didn't know that I was marrying someone who would make my biggest fantasy come true.
I didn't know that having a boring life could make me happier than I have ever been.